TurboSlim Night Enhanced Formula 30 cap – ТурбоСлим Ночь усиленная формула 30 кап
New TurboSlim Night Enhanced Formula:
New composition! 3 modern components: 5-hydroxytryptophan (from griffonia extract), gymnema, simethicone + garcinia, senna.
Enhanced action:
Actively burns fat during the night and prevents its accumulation.
Reduces evening appetite, including cravings for sweets.
Normalizes emotional state and sleep.
Comfortably (without spasms and bloating) cleanses the body, providing a flat stomach by morning.
How the components work:
Garcinia promotes fat burning and helps regulate appetite. Hydroxycitric acid, found in garcinia, stimulates lipolysis – the breakdown of fats ingested with food, helping you lose weight. In addition, under the influence of garcinia extract, the synthesis of fats from carbohydrates is stopped, thereby reducing fat deposition.
Senna extract contains chrysophanic acid, which has a mild laxative effect and enhances the activity of the large intestine, helping to remove toxins and making your stomach flat by morning.
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) helps reduce appetite by forming serotonin in the body. The satiety center receptors are serotonin. With a normal level of serotonin, their activation occurs: saturation occurs faster, appetite decreases. In addition, serotonin provides a good mood, emotional comfort, allowing you to do without sweets and other dietary excesses. Promotes normalization of sleep.
Gymnema lowers blood sugar, positively affects carbohydrate metabolism, slows the absorption of glucose and fats in the intestines. Thanks to the fact that gymnema helps maintain a normal blood sugar level, appetite is normalized. It is important to note that gymnema extract lowers blood sugar levels only to normal levels.
Simethicone is the most in-demand modern remedy for gases in the intestines. In addition, simethicone forms a protective layer on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, protecting it from the effects of aggressive factors, which can contribute to the normalization of digestion processes.
The new TurboSlim Night Enhanced Formula works better in combination with TurboSlim Day Enhanced Formula with a new composition and enhanced action.
TurboSlim Day and Night are the first, unparalleled1 weight loss complexes developed with consideration of biorhythms.
Why it is important to consider biorhythms when losing weight
The biological rhythm is the internal biological clock that determines the time of activity and rest of the body.
Experts from Northeastern University in Chicago conducted a study that showed that those who violated their biological rhythms consumed about 200 kcal more during the day, consumed more calories for dinner, and snacked more after 8:00 PM, not on vegetables and fruits, but on fast food and calorie-rich soft drinks.
Studies also showed that people who sleep less than 7-8 hours a night weigh more. Moreover, those who do not get enough sleep produce more ghrelin hormone, which stimulates appetite, making them feel hungrier and eat more.
At night, hormones that promote weight loss (melatonin and somatotropin) are produced in the body. With a disruption in biorhythms, the production of these hormones decreases, which means that fat burning slows down. In addition, with a deficit of melatonin, the synthesis of hormones that control appetite – leptin and ghrelin – is disturbed.
By morning, cortisol, which begins to be produced instead of melatonin and somatotropin, starts to be produced, which decreases by the evening. But if you go to bed very late, then its level remains high in the evening and at night, preventing the secretion of melatonin and somatotropin. With constant excess of cortisol, muscle breakdown and fat accumulation in the waist area occur. The so-called “cortisol belly” appears.
This is why a disrupted sleep-wake cycle, which does not coincide with biorhythms, contributes to gaining excess weight.
Adjusting weight loss biorhythms with TurboSlim
In order for the body not to accumulate excess weight, it is important to live according to biological clocks: wake up at the right time in the morning, and go to bed in the evening on time. This will help establish biological rhythms and the correct metabolic processes, the production of the necessary hormones, and fat burning.
And to enhance all these natural weight loss mechanisms – both day and night – will help the bio-complex TurboSlim Day and Night, developed taking into account chronobiology and human biological rhythms. A specially selected set of components of day and night action included in the composition of this complex works to reduce weight with their joint intake. They complement and enhance each other’s action, working for your slimness 24 hours a day.
Active nighttime weight loss: acceleration of nocturnal fat burning processes, reduction of evening appetite (including cravings for sweets), normalization of emotional state and sleep, body cleansing.
Active Ingredients:
Garcinia extract, senna extract, Griffonia extract (5-HTP), Gymnema extract, simethicone.
As a dietary supplement – a source of hydroxycitric acid, chrysofanic acid. New improved composition, enhanced action. Promotes nighttime fat burning, body weight control, acceleration of natural weight loss processes at night: enhanced fat burning, body cleansing (without spasms and bloating), reduction of evening appetite (including cravings for sweets), normalization of emotional state and sleep.
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