Composition active ingredients: 100 ml of oral drops contain a liquid extract (1:56) from 1.8 g of a mixture of rosemary leaves (Folia Rosmarini), lovage root (Radix Levistici), and centaury herb (Herba Centaurii) (1:1:1) [extractants: 1st fraction: ethanol 59% (v/v), 2nd–4th fractions: purified water]; excipients: none. Ethanol content – 19% (v/v).
Dosage form Oral drops.
Main physicochemical properties: clear or slightly cloudy yellow-brown liquid with a scent of lovage.
Pharmacotherapeutic group Medicines used in urology.
Indications Herbal medicinal product for the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. Prevention of kidney stone formation, including after their removal.
Contraindications Peptic ulcer, increased individual sensitivity to any component of the medicinal product or to other plants of the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family (e.g., anise, fennel) and to anethole (a component of essential oils found in anise and fennel). Irrigation therapy should not be conducted in cases of edema due to heart failure or impaired kidney function, or if the patient has been advised to reduce fluid intake.
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